
Mimicking U N H A P P Y, When Lucky Seventhia watches her friends get hurt, She’ll enter Disbelief mode. Where her 5 other heads eye’s become soulless and black, But her main head’s eyes glow Bright Orange. She’ll pull out her bone staff, Break it in half, and Use the halves as a weapon, holding the halves in her main arms. Her third arm will then pull out another bone staff, Being 16 feet tall. Her arms will become severely melted, Melting, and dripping bits of herself to the puddle below her. Lucky Seventhia will then grow a fourth arm, out of her left arm socket, holding a 6 foot long spear. This form is known as Disbeluckunhapiefia.

Cynthia's wings start out as a light blue towards the edges, fade to red, then orange, then white towards her body, looking like the sun setting. There's small black borders throughout like tree branches, not disrupting the beauty of her wings.

Lucky Seventhia had a lot of things to talk about. Although nobody was really listening, she still said them. She talked about her past relationships, and how she isn’t anybody’s type.

Cynthia was given the locket by Meldomine, Because Cynthia still had some human left in her. Cynthia is the wearer, and protector of the Locket. Cynthia was raised within the Underground, and each Locket being was born there. Cynthia was one of those fallen Humans.